
bag type Learn more about bag type

  • Prevention and control of edible fungi diseases, edible fungi cultivation raw materials and formulas

    Prevention and control of edible fungi diseases, edible fungi cultivation raw materials and formulas

    Edible mushroom cultivation raw materials and formula

  • The technique of planting Ganoderma lucidum with wooden bags

    The technique of planting Ganoderma lucidum with wooden bags

    At present, the artificial cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum in China can be divided into three types: (1) Medicinal type: such as Taishan Ganoderma lucidum, South Korean Ganoderma lucidum, Yuanzhi 6 and so on. (2) Medicinal and ornamental type: such as black Zhi G43-1, black Zhi G43-2 and so on. (3) ornamental type: such as tree tongue

    2020-11-08 The use of wood blocks bag planting Ganoderma lucidum technology
  • How to ensure that Pleurotus ostreatus produces good mushrooms in the later stage

    How to ensure that Pleurotus ostreatus produces good mushrooms in the later stage

    There are many varieties of Pleurotus ostreatus, which can be divided into four categories according to the temperature of mushroom production, namely, high temperature type, wide temperature type, medium temperature type and low temperature type. The Pleurotus ostreatus cultivated in spring is generally wide-temperature type and high-temperature type. The temperature of wide-temperature type is 2 ℃ 30 ℃, and that of high-temperature type 10 Mel 32 min. In production, although the temperature meets the requirements of mushroom production, Pleurotus ostreatus generally produces less mushroom in the later stage, and the quality is not good. In fact, if we can strengthen the late management of spring planting Pleurotus ostreatus, we can still produce more mushrooms and produce good mushrooms as in the early stage. First, soak in water. The bags of Pleurotus ostreatus planted in spring, the mushrooms were produced in 2murs after 3 batches of bacteria.

  • Three-dimensional cultivation of Lentinus edodes on shelves

    Three-dimensional cultivation of Lentinus edodes on shelves

    In recent years, my family has been growing Lentinus edodes in greenhouse, perhaps due to technical and other reasons, the benefit has not been very satisfactory. I heard that the benefit of Lentinus edodes cultivation is considerable. Could you tell me something about the method of Lentinus edodes cultivation? Hello, Nong'an Tian Shuzhen Tian Shuzhen: shelf cultivation of Lentinus edodes is a new technology to increase the yield of Lentinus edodes. Below, I would like to introduce how to choose a good site and variety, and the management matters that should be paid attention to, for your reference: first, the site and the setting up of the mushroom shed.

  • New technology of planting Pleurotus ostreatus with machine irrigation bag

    New technology of planting Pleurotus ostreatus with machine irrigation bag

    Using the production technology of Lentinus edodes for reference to produce Pleurotus ostreatus, the new technology of machine irrigation bag cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus is summarized as follows: first, the preparation of bacterial bag according to the formula cottonseed shell 88%, wheat bran 10%, gypsum 2%, water 1.1~1.2kg per kilogram of dry material. The material was poured into 55 × 15 × 0.004cm low-pressure polyethylene plastic bags with a special bag filling machine for Lentinus edodes production, and each bag was filled with wet weight 2.1~2.3kg. Then, put the material bag into the sterilizer and sterilize it. After the temperature rises to 100 ℃, keep it for 10 minutes.

  • Large-scale cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum in Micro-spraying Project

    Large-scale cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum in Micro-spraying Project

    The main results are as follows: (1) the black shading net with a shading rate of 85% is the best. Net shed type, according to the construction form: flat roof type, net shed is flat, 2.5 meters high; half slope type, net shed is herringbone-shaped, under the net cushion 6 meters wide film; full arch type, net shed

    2020-11-08 Micro-spraying engineering large-scale cultivation Ganoderma lucidum black shed construction
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi in greenhouse

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi in greenhouse

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Edible Fungi in greenhouse

  • How to cultivate mushrooms scientifically?

    How to cultivate mushrooms scientifically?

    How to cultivate mushrooms scientifically? Please guide the following mushroom cultivation methods can be referred to: First, select the main varieties. There are many varieties of shiitake mushrooms, and the varieties should be selected reasonably according to the local actual situation when cultivating. 1. Mushroom type: varieties 135, 103, 9903, L241-4. It belongs to late maturing medium and low temperature strain, mushroom meat is thick,...

  • What are the technical points of bagging sand pears?

    What are the technical points of bagging sand pears?

    Sand pear has thin skin, snow-white flesh, fine and crisp fruit, sweet and fragrant taste and high nutritional value. at present, the planting area is expanding year by year, and bagging is a very important link in the cultivation of sand pear. Here is a detailed explanation on the technical points of sand pear bagging.

    2020-11-09 Sand pear cover bag technology key points which sand pear peel
  • Storage and fresh-keeping of pear fruit

    Storage and fresh-keeping of pear fruit

    Different varieties and types of pear fruits require different standards of suitable temperature, humidity and the best gas composition. For the newly bred new varieties, the suitable temperature and humidity and the best gas composition required for storage must be found through experiments, so that the temperature and humidity and gas composition can be regulated effectively during storage, and the best storage effect can be achieved. The types of pear fruits can be roughly divided into two types. 1. Crispy meat type varieties: White pear system and sand pear system mostly belong to crispy meat type. Yinyin crispy meat varieties, harvested

  • How to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus at high temperature

    How to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus at high temperature

    Late spring and early summer is a good time to cultivate Pleurotus ostreatus. The planting quantity of high temperature Pleurotus ostreatus is relatively less because of high temperature and more diseases, but its price is 2-3 times higher than that in autumn and winter. The cultivation technology of high temperature Pleurotus ostreatus is difficult and the success rate is very low, so how to obtain high quality and high yield is a problem that mushroom farmers are more concerned about. In variety selection, many mushroom farmers failed to cultivate high-temperature Pleurotus ostreatus, mostly due to mistakes in variety selection. Some mushroom farmers do not figure out the temperature type of the variety and plant it casually. As a result, they cannot produce mushrooms or fail to produce bacteria because of the wrong temperature type, so they must have a good reputation.

  • The latest rapeseed seed price and planting method

    The latest rapeseed seed price and planting method

    Rape is the most important oil crop in China, also known as Brassica napus, Brassica campestris, Brassica campestris, etc., it is an annual or perennial herb of Brassica napus of Cruciferae. The oil content of seeds is 3350%. At present, the main cultivation types are Brassica napus, Brassica juncea and Gan.

    2020-11-10 The latest rapeseed seed price and planting method rape is
  • Rapeseed seed price and planting method

    Rapeseed seed price and planting method

    Rapeseed seed price and planting method

  • Cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum in imitating Wild bag

    Cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum in imitating Wild bag

    The bag production and bacteria transmission of Ganoderma lucidum imitating wild cultivation are basically the same as the conventional methods. The key point is to put the management of Ganoderma lucidum under suitable field conditions, in order to simulate the environmental conditions of the growth and development of wild Ganoderma lucidum as much as possible and produce better quality Ganoderma lucidum. The way of producing Ganoderma lucidum imitating wild cultivation can adopt either fungus wall type or border planting type. The wild cultivation of fungus wall imitation can be carried out in plastic greenhouse. The plastic greenhouse can be built in woodland with leeward direction, good ventilation and suitable shade, or plant vines such as bergamot gourd and towel gourd around the greenhouse.

  • Anti-season cultivation techniques of Pleurotus eryngii at high altitude

    Anti-season cultivation techniques of Pleurotus eryngii at high altitude

    Anti-season cultivation techniques of Pleurotus eryngii at high altitude

  • Technical Handbook of Peach Science and Technology

    Technical Handbook of Peach Science and Technology

    1. Variety introduction 1.1 Zaohongpan peach weighs 110-200 grams per fruit, pink, beautiful, crisp and juicy, sweet and fragrant, extremely resistant to storage and transportation, maturing in mid-June. 1.2 Okubo average single fruit weight 250 grams, large fruit weight 700 grams, good taste, sweet and sour palatable, enucleated, ripe at the end of July. 1.3 the fruit of Jingyu (Beijing No. 14) is oval or nearly round. The single fruit weighs 195 grams, the maximum fruit weighs 233 grams, and the fruit surface is shallow.

  • What kinds of edible fungi are there? What is the price and purchase method?

    What kinds of edible fungi are there? What is the price and purchase method?

    We all know that edible mushrooms are mushrooms, which are often eaten in our lives. In China, there are more than 350 known kinds of edible mushrooms. Few of these fungi are wild, and most of them are artificially planted. If you want to plant them artificially, you need strains. If there are no bacteria,

    2020-11-09 Edible mushroom strain have what type price and purchase method
  • The recent price increases for fertilizers and pesticides are crazy! The latest price is like this! What do you think?

    The recent price increases for fertilizers and pesticides are crazy! The latest price is like this! What do you think?

    Urea market continues to be weak, Shandong, Hebei, Guangxi and other urea enterprises and a small number of factory quotations fell 10-20 yuan. The abolition of the Indian bid has led to a domestic decline.

  • Measures to prevent the difficulty of mushroom production from bag material

    Measures to prevent the difficulty of mushroom production from bag material

    In recent years, the "Xixia Model" of cultivating mushroom with plastic frame has become a model for the northward migration of mushrooms from south to north in China, blooming all over the country. However, due to the regional climate temperature difference and the lack of understanding of mushroom varieties and fruiting characteristics in newly developed areas, the use of medium temperature mushroom varieties, such as 135,241,939,L26, etc., or the same type of strain, in the low temperature season to promote the mushroom, there will be abnormal phenomenon that the mushroom cannot normally produce, light will reduce production, heavy loss. Now we will control the bag material

  • The technology of bagging and improving the quality of muskmelon can avoid drug spots and make the skin smooth and clean.

    The technology of bagging and improving the quality of muskmelon can avoid drug spots and make the skin smooth and clean.

    The technology of bagging and improving the quality of muskmelon can avoid drug spots and make the skin smooth and clean.
